When a patient is missing teeth, three options are available to fill the voids. A partial denture is a removable option, and dental implants and bridges are fixed placements. While appropriate for back teeth, a removable partial denture can be uncomfortable and inconvenient. Though the cost is lower, partial dentures can be misplaced, and will often need adjustments to fit properly. A bridge requires two crown placements onto healthy teeth with "pontics" (fake crowns) in between, bonded to the two crowns to replace missing teeth. It's a fixed alternative to removable partial dentures. While a bridge is aesthetically pleasing, the cost is higher and it requires daily maintenance. Partial dentures are never ideal for anterior teeth placement. Partial dentures usually require wires to wrap around existing teeth for support, and can be uncomfortable to wear. The fit can also change due to changes in gums or bone structure. While the permanent nature of bridges is highly desirable, a water pick and floss must be used for maintenance. Additionally, the bridge requires that two teeth (that may be otherwise healthy) need to be grinded down and prepared for crown placement. When a missing tooth needs to be replaced, and neither the denture nor bridge option appeals to the patient, a dental implant may be the solution. Not all bone structures can accommodate implants. Consult your dentist to determine your eligibility.Partial Dentures
Partial Denture Warning
Bridge Warnings
The Other Option
Read more: Dental Partial Vs. Bridges | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_5728094_dental-partial-vs_-bridges.html#ixzz1Rqyfv9yM
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Roslan Yahaya
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